Emotional Intelligence at Neptune School

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is essentially emotional literacy — understanding what we're feeling, how it impacts us, and how emotions affect those around us.

While we may all sometimes wish that we could leave our emotions at the door and not be impacted by them during our work or school day, emotions are a fundamental part of the human experience. We cannot turn them off — we have a near-constant stream of emotions impacting us as we go through our day, and so does everyone else we interact with.

Emotional intelligence is essentially emotional literacy — understanding what we're feeling, how it impacts us, and how emotions affect those around us.

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Whenever people work together, there's an invisible undercurrent of emotions flowing beneath the surface. If we're not tuned into these feelings, we're missing a huge piece of information about how our team really works.

Are team members engaged and energized by their work? Do they feel valued and seen, or are they disconnected and checked out?

These emotional factors can impact team performance just as much as skills or abilities. Without emotional intelligence, we may struggle to understand why our team performs the way it does. Emotional intelligence helps us recognize the vital role that feelings and relationships play in our team's dynamic.

Emotional intelligence helps us communicate more effectively as it helps us to be aware of the myriad of other factors that may color how our communication is received.

Leaders with emotional intelligence are able to see past the surface of what is happening and deal with the invisible or unspoken aspects of their team dynamic.

Having a high EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) can help us to read social cues and understand when a teammate or employee may be feeling overwhelmed and would therefore not be receptive to constructive feedback. It can help us be prepared for the ways our team may respond to setbacks and help us know how to leverage our successes for increased morale and better performance.

How Neptune helps kids build emotional intelligence

At Neptune, we teach students that true leadership is rooted in emotional intelligence — because people naturally follow leaders who make them feel valued and supported. Strong leaders recognize the strengths and struggles of their team members and make sure they feel seen.

 When our students ask themselves 'Does my team feel heard? How do my actions affect the group? How can I help my teammates feel valued?' they're tapping into that invisible undercurrent of emotions. This is emotional intelligence in action.

Emotional intelligence helps our students far beyond the classroom — it's something they'll use throughout their lives, from their future careers to their closest relationships.

We teach students that true leadership is rooted in emotional intelligence — because people naturally follow leaders who make them feel valued and supported.

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